Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Correction re: $95 GS

I stand corrected. Our little adventure at the avionics shop where we found our second glide slope simply disconnected due to recessed connector pins cost us $190 to fix, not $95. So, while I was off by a factor of 2 on the price, still, less than .2 AMUs doesn't seem all that bad.

Definition: AMU=Aviation Monetary Unit=$1000

A partner and I flight checked the plane with a combined 5 ILS approaches. Second GS worked like a charm. I definitely prefer using the #1 nav head when flying an ILS though. It's a Garmin, has a bigger donut, GS needle isn't hinged on one side, plus it just feels more normal to look at the #1 nav when flying an ILS. When #1 is driven by the GPS, even with the GS flag up, it seems way too easy to get confused and think you're on the glide slope. That's where the handy dandy round suction cup style soap holders...er, I mean, instrument covers come in handy. Should #1 nav go belly up, out come a custom instrument cover.

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