Monday, August 11, 2008

Power off 180 spot landings

I had a chance to go out and practice some of these this past Saturday and man are they fun! Using the 1000 ft touchdown markers as my spot, I managed to nail five or six of them, had to cheat and add power on one, and left one maybe 200 ft. short. It sure is a different sight picture when you're 100 AGL and turning while coming in over the run-up area (I only will do these maneuvers if the runup area is clear).

In the Arrow, I'm finding that the following works pretty well. Of course, I've had the benefit of one partner already doing this for his commercial certificate:

- Power to idle abeam desired touch down point
- *Immediately* start turning to the runway. So far, I find about a standard rate turn works.
- At the same time, roll in one handfull of nose up trim
- Pitch for 90 mph (vs. POH best glide of 105 MPH)
- Flaps once you have the runway made
- Be ready to arrest the 1000-1200 FPM descent rate
- Leave the prop full forward unless it starts to look like you'll leave it short

I've had several folks tell me that the CP certificate maneuvers are fun. They were right...and so far, I've only been practicing the steep turns, 180 power off spot landings, and soft field takeoffs. I'm trying to do some of the required maneuvers each time I fly now.

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